We look forward to welcoming you in to the Harrogate u3a. We hope you have enjoyed exploring our website, and have seen the wide range of groups and events available for you to enjoy. If you were unable to find a group for your particular interest perhaps you could help start one?
Membership is open to ALL who are no longer in full time employment. We are a volunteer, self-help organisation.
The membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August. New members who join after June in any one year will pay the full rate of £16, but they will NOT need to renew their membership until the following September after their joining year. If in doubt, please phone the Membership Secretary on 07715 429249.
The Membership Secretary deals with membership queries only. For anything else, please go to the Contacts page and leave a message for the appropriate person.
To join Harrogate u3a please click on the link: Joining Harrogate u3a Online.
A separate application must be completed for each member wishing to join.
Date of joining does not govern the length of membership or next renewal date as membership is always for the year 1 September to 31 August. Please see the note in bold above.
If you have previously been a member and would like to re-join, please click on the link: Membership Renewal.
Members without continuous membership may still be classed as renewing, if lapsed for one year only.
Current and lapsed members may renew from 1st August for the year starting 1st September. Please note that renewal applications made before 1st August would be for the current membership year.
As you are probably aware, Harrogate u3a is a registered charity and as such is able to claim Gift Aid on eligible donations, ie membership subscriptions, where consent has been given by members.
If you pay tax on your income and/or capital gains and are happy for Harrogate u3a to claim a Gift Aid rebate in respect of your membership subscription mark the appropriate box on the online or hardcopy forms.
Please note, if two members are eligible and one payment is made from a joint bank account, both members need to mark the Gift Aid box.
Where a payment for both members comes out of an account held in a single name, then the Gift Aid box should only be completed on that account holder's application. This is because Harrogate u3a cannot claim Gift Aid on a subscription payment paid on behalf of someone else. It is considered a gift to the person whose membership you pay, not to the charity. Again, if in doubt please phone the Membership Secretary on 07715 429249
Contact the Membership Secretary if you have any queries or your personal information has changed e.g email address.
Alternatively you can register as a user of the Members' Portal and update your personal information directly. A short video showing how to register and use the Portal can be viewed by clicking the link: Online Beacon Portal Video. Access the portal by clicking on the link: Members Portal.
If you prefer to pay for your membership by cheque, please use this form: Application Form (post only)